Uncategorized Nov 03, 2021

2022 is just around the corner: another year begins as another one ends. 

With just 8 weeks left of 2021 you either have 8 weeks to ensure you start a new year stronger or 8 weeks of waiting for the “right time”….


For me the end of a year is always used to get ready for the next one. I know a lot of people like to wait until Jan 1st for that 'new year new me' motivation but for me I would rather walk into a new year READY rather than just getting started and using the first couple months of a new year trying to feel better and putting in better habits. 


I would rather strut into 2022 READY and start the year reaping the rewards of my hard work than starting it feeling less than great within myself 


This is what both myself and my clients are laser focused on right now to ensure we all start 2022 as the best possible version of ourselves. 


Writing out my new year resolutions NOW and start working on them NOW so by the time jan 1st comes I will already be either at my goal or strides closer so I can reap all the rewards heading into a new year instead of getting caught up in the rat race with all the new year new me peeps. 

Another reason I like to start working on my New Year Resolutions NOW instead of waiting is because there are a lot of festivities between now and then. 

These last 2 months is when most people actually get FURTHER away from their goals meaning they have even more work to do when Jan 1st comes round because they have no clear focus and they are in that mentality of 'I'll wait until jan 1st" 

Whereas because myself and my clients have focus, motivation and accountability from each other we can enjoy the festivities with NO guilt while walking CLOSER to our goals to ensure we are READY to start a new year STRONG instead of what sooo many people do: sabotage themselves heaps and start jan 1st even further away from their goals 


Are you going to be ready for 2022 like me and my clients??


Let’s work on making that a YES.

Firstly, REVIEW your 2021


This is something VERY few people actually ever do, they just go into each new year hoping it will be better than the last but something you need to understand: its YOU and YOUR actions standing in your way of achieving things, if you don’t reflect what went “wrong” this year then you will go into another year with the exact same habits that aren’t serving you. 


This is the same for every time you fall off track, most people just try to ‘start again” without any reflection on WHY they fell off track. Example, your nutrition. When a client of mine goes off their nutrition plan we don’t just start the next day fresh and ignore it happened, I always ask WHY. Did you fall off track because you didn’t plan ahead and didn’t even know what you should be eating? Ok we need to work on your planning. Did you fall off track because you didn’t have time to prepare the food you planned? Ok we need to work on your time management. Did you fall off track because you were stressed after work and comforted yourself with food? Ok we need to work on your stress management. 


One thing to note here, the WHY CANNOT BE EXTERNAL!! What i mean by that is that YOU need to take personal responsibility so you can’t say “i didn't achieve X because work was very busy and i didn’t have time” (I’m sure you had time to scroll social media all year ha) That statement provides ZERO help to YOU because it provides you an EXCUSE, not an area for growth. Instead you should say “When work gets very busy I struggle with knowing how to prioritize myself and not fall into that all or nothing mentality, i need to work on this” That second statement allows you something to work on so you now know that you need to figure out a way to adapt your plan when life gets busy so you can take small steps forward instead of completely staying stuck or going backwards. 


You see if you don’t review WHY you didn't achieve something you won’t know what habits you need to replace and what areas you need to work on so you will just stumble into another year hoping you achieve your goal but without any work done on what's stopping you - YOU! 


Reviewing your year isn’t just about what didn’t work but also about what DID! When our clients achieve their weekly goal we get them to state WHY, this allows them to recognise behaviours that gave them results. This is VERY important in the early stages of building new habits because the actions required usually aren’t super fun, for example getting out of bed earlier. Most people would rather hit snooze but if you get up earlier and get your workout in and lose 2lbs that week for example then when reviewing your week you will be able to state the reason you were able to do the things required to lose weight (exercise for example) was because you got up earlier, hence reinforcing to your brain that this action was a positive one 


All habits are created via this loop: Cue, Routine, Reward.

In this example cue is your alarm and routine is the workout. The reward was found in reflecting in your week and understanding that getting up early to do your workout helped lose weight. Without highlighting the rewards that our actions provide habits usually don’t stick 


Note: Take your time answering the below and REALLY think about your year (we are trying to ensure 2022 is YOUR best year yet) 


So start by listing WHAT you wanted to achieve this year 

Now, write down 5 reasons WHY you didn't (Remember NO external statements) 

Now the positive - write down 5 things that went RIGHT!! 

(We always start with small lists as its less overwhelming and easier to work with but you can revisit this as many times as you want) 

Looking forward to 2022 what do you want to achieve

What kind of woman do you want to walk into 2022 as? 

We now have the gap identified that we need to work on closing over the next 8 weeks. As mentioned above, for the vast majority of people that gap becomes larger over the next 8 weeks as most people WAIT until jan 1st and then have SO much work to do! 

Time to sort your GAME PLAN over the next 8 weeks

Go back to the 5 things you wrote down that didn't work and identify the largest. This is where you should start. Obviously depending on what you wrote you will have a different game plan for the next 8 weeks. But you should have now a clear goal list of what you want to work on over the next 8 weeks 


And its not about getting through all 5 before jan 1st, its about taking steps FORWARD. Even if you just master 1 of those items on your list thats still 1 less you need to do in 2022. The most important element is that you are READY - you have reviewed your year, you know exactly what you need to work on, you know what your strengths are, you know what you want to achieve next year and now you are working on a game plan!! 


If you want help with that game plan just click the below to book a call wit me and my team to go through your 2021 so far and get YOU ready to DOMINATE 2022!! 




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