Do You Need Protein Powder To Tone Up? Are Supplements Necessary?

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2021


The short answer is NO


Lets talk about protein powder first. Protein powder/shakes are glorified on social media as holding the secret to building muscle and its made out to be superior to other protein sources. 


This is not reality - protein powder is simply just another form of protein, its not superior, in fact in some cases it is inferior to other sources. You will get the same effects from a protein shake as you will from a chicken fillet. Its just protein - its not magic 


Now a protein shake can be a super easy and quick source for people on the go. It can also be a great way to hit protein targets if you find yourself short after breakfast, lunch and dinner. 


However - protein shakes need to be used carefully. They are branded ‘healthy’ and are usually people’s go to post workout, but you need to be cautious of the amount of calories in some. A lot of protein shakes come with lots of added things to make them super tasty which can easily result in them being very calorie dense and hence your attempt at having a healthy snack to help you reach your goal has just taken you over your calories for the day meaning you have stayed still on your journey. Just be cautious of what you are putting in your shake - track it even on myfitnesspal to educate yourself how many calories are actually in your ‘healthy shake’. 


Protein shakes can also be very harsh on some people’s digestive systems. Processed protein (shakes, protein bars etc) are one of the most common things that cause bloating in people and usually one of the first things I eliminate when a client is struggling with constant bloat. Obviously if you experience no bloating after consuming processed protein then you should continue. If however you do experience some digestion issues then you should look at limiting your consumption and get your protein from natural sources like meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, tofu etc


Supplements - are they needed? Again NO 


Pre workout powders - not needed

Creatine - not needed

Amino Acids BCAAS - not needed

Whey protein - not needed


There is no harm in taking them but for 99% of us, our training volume is not high enough to actually require these. A coffee is usually the best type of pre workout if you need an energy boost or even a good nights sleep is better than taking pre workout powders. 


Other supplements like fish oils, magnesium, vitamins etc are not needed IF you have a well balanced diet


I always stress to my clients that their nutrients should come from actual food where possible. Vitamins/supplements have so many added chemicals compared to food that its always best to just eat a well balanced diet full of veggies, fruits, whole grains etc 


Now, if your diet lacks something then yes at that stage you will want to include some supplements. If you live in a non sunny country you might want to take vitamin D for example. 


Nothing is superior to just eating food 

Nothing can replace a well balanced diet 


Sorting your food intake should always be your first priority instead of worrying what supplements to sprinkle on top


That's like putting a bandaid on a broken leg and hoping it sticks!


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