Emotional Eating - Something we work on A LOT with our clients. In a society where stress is accepted as the 'normal' day to day component and emotions are at an all time high people are constantly turning to ways to relieve those emotions to make themselves 'feel good again' - for a lot of people that is found in food
Do you fit one or more of these? Have you struggling with emotional eating for awhile? Or have you never even considered that this could be why you keep falling off track with your goals?
First lets learn more about what emotional eating is - knowledge is POWER, the more we understand why we behave a certain way the 'easier' it is to break those behaviours
The cycle is a frustrating and exhausting one to get stuck in. As people have lots of different reasons and triggers as to why they fall into the emotional eating cycle its hard to tell you step by step what to do to break as a "one size fits all" answer. Thats why with our clients we tackle this on an individual basis and get to learn more about their life so we can give them the tools related to them but I will try to give the most common tool
Simply saying to people "get into a calorie deficit" is not enough as most people already know to lose weight they need to eat less.
Time and time again CONSISTENCY is the issue - you could have the best nutrition and workout plan in the world but if you keep sabotaging yourself and falling off track then you will never reach your goal
Ask yourself WHEN do you keep falling off track and WHY? THAT is what you need to work on instead of jumping into another fad diet
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