Its NEVER about not having enough time
Its ALWAYS about not knowing how to use YOUR time effectively
Let’s face it, we are not getting any more time, our days are not getting any longer and we will always be busy - that's life
At this stage I ask permission to provide some tough love with the only goal to HELP YOU
Firstly, be very honest with yourself - are you busy all day long being super productive OR do you waste some time? Do you waste time getting out of bed in the mornings? Do you waste time scrolling social media endlessly? Do you waste time going through your day reacting to everything instead of making a clear plan and actually getting things done? Everyone wastes time, welcome to the human race. The successful people aren’t afraid of identifying those wasted slots throughout the day and work on replacing them
You see there is a VERY big difference between being actually busy and being busy just being ‘busy’ - the vast majority of people fall in to the latter category
If someone was to look at how you spend your entire day would it be super productive or would you be standing looking at how you waste some time?
Secondly, do you think there isn't anyone busier than you doing what you say you don’t have time for?!
Its tough to admit that the very thing holding you back is you and your excuses
Because, yes, there are people out there who are busier than you doing exactly what you are saying you don’t have time to do. Thats facts
You see, excuses are hard because they are justified - you are busy, I am not saying that. What i am saying is, you will always be ‘busy’
You need to ask yourself two questions - firstly, is your goal a priority? Because not everything can be a top priority all the time and that's OK. But be careful if you say it's not a high enough priority - what are you spending your time on instead of chasing that goal? Netflix? Hanging out with toxic friends perhaps? Snoozing?
If this is truly a priority then ask yourself “Do i know how to use MY time effectively?”
THAT is the issue for 99% of the population - they don’t know how to get in shape using THEIR time, they are trying to chase an unrealistic picture of what getting in shape looks like. Ie hitting a gym 5 times a week for hours, cooking all their food from fresh, getting 10k steps in a day etc - THAT is hard, that is also not necessary
There is NO ‘right’ way to get in shape - it's all about what YOU can do on a consistent basis to move you towards your goals, no matter how small
Ditch the ‘all or nothing’ mentality and start asking yourself “what can I do with MY time each day to better MYSELF?”
50% Complete
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