Ever dream so big that people laugh?? Good!
That’s when you know your dream is a good one!
Don't waste your time by dreaming small, dream big and blow your own damn mind!
How often do we encounter doubters in life? People who are standing ready and waiting to tear us down?
All through my life I have had doubters, people saying to me I wouldn’t make it, people telling me to be “normal”
You only have one life and I for damn sure am going to make it an incredible show stopper of a journey!
Unfortunately, You will never have the full support of everyone around you and you need to be comfortable with that. You need to be confident enough in yourself to work in the silence, to work alone, to be the only one cheering for you!
When I first properly decided enough was enough and I was moving to London a lot of people around me doubted and were extremely negative saying I wouldn’t make it etc. I remember being in an awful air Bnb in a very dodgy part of London listening to the people next door arguing and I actually started crying, I felt completely alone and started asking myself why was I here, why was I putting myself through all this. I had flown to London for a week with no interviews, no leads but I just went with the hope of meeting as many recruiters as possible face to face and make my dream a reality.
Going full throttle for something is scary and you will 100% have that moment of pure panic when you realise you are so far out of your comfort zone its scary but your belief in yourself will return, have faith in that.
In that lonely room in the middle of a strange city I came back to my belief. I gathered myself and reminded myself who I was. Anytime I doubt myself, when I panic, I calm myself and just say “I am Laura Lambe” and with that statement I have pure confidence, full belief in who I am and where I am going.
For as far back as I can remember my mum has always told me that I am “Laura Lambe, I can do anything and that I am going to change the world some day” and it truly is ingrained in me
What you need to understand is that it simply doesn’t matter if people doubt you. It doesn’t matter what others say. The only thing that matters in life is what YOU say about yourself. What you say about yourself is what determines your destiny, the opinions of others does not. Someone who doubts you has absolutely no effect on your actual life. You are in control of your own life. If you want something bad enough, go for it. If you want to change the world go out and do it. Be confident in the person you are, for at the end of the day YOU and only YOU can achieve your wildest dreams if you fully believe in yourself.
What effect on your actual life does someone saying you can't do something really have?? ZERO. Let that person have their opinion, smile politely and walk away. Know who you are and where you going - once you know that no one and no opinion can stop you. Be the BOSS of your own life
What I have come to understand is that people’s opinion of me or my life is actually a reflection of their own life and their current insecurities over where they are at. You see people will never stand up and throw negative comments your way if you live life in your comfort zone, if you follow what everyone else is doing. Once you decide to life a great life, a life that is true to you, to follow your dreams, that is when people start to speak up.
Jealousy and a lack of understanding are the two root causes for people doubting you and trying to tear you down. They are either jealous of what you are doing because they are unhappy in their own current situation or they simply can’t see your dream as a reality. And that is OK. Your dream grows inside your mind, you see it, you have talked it through with yourself how to achieve this dream and why you want it. No one else. So once you start talking about it to others they haven’t had that time to process or understand the dream. Two things will happen, they will either ask to know more, for you to explain or they will simply start to tear you down. Keep the first kind of people close to you, ignore the others.
This is your life, create your own destiny - if you listen to much to the opinion of others then you will never get far in life.
You need to learn to risk everything and to stand solely on your own two feet while chasing your dreams. Everyone around you won’t want to come along for the ride, there will be times you have to stand tall by yourself, remind yourself who you are, take a deep breath and say “I am Laura Lambe” and go for it!!