The Real Reasons You are Struggling with your Nutrition

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2021

Lack of access to proper education around what ACTUALLY to do to get in shape is not only fuelling obesity and health issues but it is leading to food insecurity and the sense of being controlled by food. 

Most people think there is this big SECRET around nutrition and that its super complicated when in reality that is not the case at all (most of this is fuelled by health ‘gurus’ spitting off rubbish to confuse you that much that you pay them again and again for help….)  

In a nutshell: Control the VOLUME of your food first (This will drive how your body LOOKS) and then look at what you are filling that volume with (this will drive how your body FEELS) - the majority should be non processed food (rule of thumb if you can’t list all the ingredients on one hand then its likely processed) and then have the minority of your foods more processed for that balance (your glasses of wine at the weekend, chocolate, takeaways etc) 


Weight loss is ONLY driven by the AMOUNT of food you eat. HEALTH, ie your energy, gut health, internal organs is driven by WHAT you eat (Check out the post i did a few back around HEALTH and WEIGHT LOSS for more on this concept)  


After you establish these TWO then your biggest issue will always be CONSISTENCY. A huge component for long term results that's usually not spoken about (mainly because if the health sector ACTUALLY taught people how to maintain results then they wouldn't be repeat customers….) 


HOW to stay consistent when going out socialising  

HOW to when work throws a curveball and time to meal prep is reduced etc 

HOW to when your motivation dips and you just want a sofa day eating chips  

That's where I spend around 80% of my time coaching - HABITS for long term success - because as my clients will agree with, I don't want you to be my client forever - there is sooo many more women out there I need to help - so I want to EDUCATE you so you can come in, learn, see results and then leave and just get on with your life  

THAT is freedom - not handing someone a 12 week quick fix meal plan for a before/after photo just to go back to square one again because you dont know how to maintain it


So which of the below 3 do you struggle with most?? It may be all 3. Knowing what you ACTUALLY need help with is the first step on reaching your goal 



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