The 'Secret' Behind Weight Loss

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2021

I knew the word 'Secret' would make you want to read this


There is NO secret - STOP looking for one and STOP paying people who claim they have one, they don't!!


The actual art of losing weight really isnt complicated....its incredibly straight forward. Calorie deficit. Thats it. 


But simplicity doesnt sell, simplicity isnt whats driving a billon dollar market. Oh no, people need to confuse people so they keep paying for their 'magic' products, people need to overcomplicate the process so people feel they need to keep paying someone forever to get them into shape  


You see peoples issue isn't actually the losing weight part - its in the MAINTAINING part THAT is what people actually need EDUCATED on, thats actually where I spend around 80% of my time coaching 


Wouldnt life be much easier if 'coaches' and 'health gurus' actually focused on what will help their just tell them what is ACTUALLY needed to lose weight then focus on the HOW with them 

How to stay consistent
How to do it all when life gets in the way
How to make it a lifestyle etc 

Thats the hard part!! But that would result in the client reaching a point where they wouldnt need their product or coaching anymore and the 'health' industry is a business model that relies on repeat customers so thats why sooo many people complicate the front end (ie whats needed for weight loss) and never focus on the maintenance end so that YOU will never know how to do it by yourself Thats NOT coaching

You should LEARN how to do it WITHIN your life longterm and then just get on with LIVING Life is not about trying to figure out how to lose weight and maintain it

You should do that ONCE then move on with living your life So avoid the fads, the overcomplicated BS and focus on two things

 1) what is YOUR calorie deficit
2) what habits do YOU need to create so you can maintain


Rule of thumb:

HOW MUCH you eat = How you look physically 

WHAT you eat = How you feel 


You don't need another fad diet, another detox, another pack of shakes! You need to figure out your deficit and then focus on filling that number with foods that will FUEL you and the odd splash of treats, alcohol, eating out etc


Thats the basics of getting in shape via your nutrition, the real game changer is HOW to stick to it LONGTERM which comes down to your HABITS!!


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