Why YOU actually keep falling off track...

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2021

Most people know WHAT to do - They know you need to eat less and move more in order to lose weight, thats not really new information 


What the VAST MAJORITY of people struggle with is HOW 


HOW to stay consistent when life gets busy and we naturally default to put ourselves down the priority list when other things take over

HOW to stay consistent at the weekends when we want to go enjoy ourselves 

HOW to stay consistent on those days when our motivation is simply not there 

HOW to stay consistent when we have a long stressful and busy day at work and want to open the wine when we come home 

HOW to stay consistent when work is super busy and we struggle to fit our workouts in 


The list goes on and on 


You see if you think of every single time you fell off track it was not because you didn't know a salad was a better option than a pizza, it was some LIFESTYLE factor


Stress, Lack of Time, Lack of Motivation, Socialising etc etc 


People say its 80% nutrition and 20% workouts but in reality its something more like  40% nutrition, 20% workouts and 40% what goes on between your ears 


The common reasons I hear people say as the reason they fall off track: 


TIME - “I just don’t have the time” 

This is the grown up version of ‘The dog ate my homework”. You will never ever get more time, LIFE IS BUSY. There will always be something that requires your time and once this reason as to why you are busy passes you will have something else - thats life. 


The key is not about waiting for MORE TIME but to learn how to use your time more effectively. The diet culture promotes methods that requires a lot of time hence we are conditioned in to believing that TIME is required to get in shape, when in reality this is not true


You eat every single day...every day!! So you don’t need ‘time’ to lose weight, you just need to learn what better choices you should be making at the times you already eat 


You move every single day..you might not be able to hit the gym but you still move. You don’t need to workout 5 days a week at an hour a piece, you simply need to move your body in the most effective way with the time YOU have! 


We will be learning A LOT about time and how we mis use it over the coming articles 


Binge eating/stress eating 

A lot of people turn to food when they are stressed/emotional/tired etc - this has nothing to do with your meal plan or diet. This is directly related to how you are dealing with your emotions, ie lifestyle factors 


So you need to learn better tools to handle stress etc than turning to food. Again over the coming articles stress and emotions will be something I cover a lot as so many people struggle with those factors 

Take some time now to think about all the times YOU have falling off track in the past

THOSE are the things you need help with - NOT another fad diet 


Fad diets focus on nutrition and workouts and NOT the reasons you keep falling off track. So if you keep falling off track each time you are stressed then it doesn't matter what fad diet you try next, you will just fall off track again the next time you are stressed


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