Laura Lambe Fitness

Become the BEST version of YOU 

Nutrition - Fitness - Mindset 

Create a LIFESTYLE to allow you to become the BOSS of your OWN Life


About Us

Who is Laura Lambe and What is Laura Lambe Fitness all about?

Learn more about our Bespoke 1-1 Coaching and How we have transformed what Coaching Truly means for our clients 

We aim to Teach our Clients How to not only Look GREAT but to also FEEL amazing...


Work With Us

Want to know about How To Work With Us and Transform YOUR Life? 


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Client Testimonials

"Does it really work?"

Don't just take my word for it...have a look at some of the 100s of the women who I have helped transform their Lives and see what they have to say 

'One day or Day decide'


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A community of women just like you - women who want to better themselves and become the woman they deserve to be

Join our FREE Group where I drop daily value bombs on everything from recipes, tips on weight loss, the best workouts to how to strengthen your willpower

FB Group

Follow us on Instagram

Empowering Women to show them that a woman should only ever be TWO things...


WHO and WHAT she wants 


Follow me on Instagram as I inspire women each day to become everything they ever wanted 

Life begins the day you decide to be unapologetically YOU and I aim to inspire women each day to let that day be today 


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Blog - Become The BOSS of Your OWN Life


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Two Step

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Client Testimonials