Menopause Weight Loss

Uncategorized May 09, 2024

How this MENOPAUSAL client “lost 5lbs in a week"

Ever found yourself saying “Im in a deficit but I’m not losing weight” well let's go through 3 examples from our recent client check ins around this 

So TWO WEEKS ago 3 clients were not seeing weight loss results - They were all eating in a deficit according to their food logs but all three of them were not seeing results for different reasons so let's break it down 


Client 1 - Michaela 


If you have been following our content and insights around client menopausal weight loss we share regularly via email you will know by now that their TWO types of fat: Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat 

Subcutaneous fat: Driven by CALORIES ie being inside a deficit according to your metabolism and energy output 

Visceral Fat: Driven by inflammation, hormones and insulin resistance


So when we are working towards MENOPAUSE weight loss we must tackle both. Visceral fat remains pretty...

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How To Set Your Calories in 4 Steps

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022
Setting your Calories 🔥⬇️
1.Determine BMR
Your BMR defines your basal metabolism rate which makes up about 60-70% of the calories we use (“burn” or expend). This includes the energy your body uses to maintain the basic function of your living and breathing body, including: The beating of our heart. Cell production. YES - you require a minimum amount of food each day to just live
Women: (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) - 161
2. Measure Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
by multiplying your BMR by the one of the below multipliers:
Sedentary (little to no exercise + work a desk job) = 1.2
Lightly Active (light exercise 1-3 days / week) = 1.375
Moderately Active (moderate exercise 3-5 days / week) = 1.55
Very Active (heavy exercise 6-7 days / week) = 1.725
Extremely Active (strenuous training 2x a day) = 1.9
3. For healthy, sustainable weight loss, it is generally not advisable...
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Bloating: The WHAT, WHY and HOW to avoid

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2022

Bloating can not only disrupt your progress but can also be very uncomfortable. Before I go into the ways to limit bloating from happening and how to relieve it quicker when it does I want to make clear that bloating FREQUENTLY is NOT NORMAL and you should not avoid it!! 


Bloating is normalised in today's society and yes everyone bloats sporadically like around your menstrual cycle, after a large meal etc. However it is NOT normal to be bloating on a frequent basis - that is your body giving you a pretty obvious sign that something is wrong, don’t ignore it!! 


So if you are bloating regularly please firstly use the advice below on how to identify WHAT and WHY is making you bloat to see if you can stop it. If not, go to a doctor. 


What Causes Bloating 

There are a lot of things that cause bloating but lets address the three main common ones 






For most people these are the three main reasons...

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Uncategorized Nov 03, 2021

2022 is just around the corner: another year begins as another one ends. 

With just 8 weeks left of 2021 you either have 8 weeks to ensure you start a new year stronger or 8 weeks of waiting for the “right time”….


For me the end of a year is always used to get ready for the next one. I know a lot of people like to wait until Jan 1st for that 'new year new me' motivation but for me I would rather walk into a new year READY rather than just getting started and using the first couple months of a new year trying to feel better and putting in better habits. 


I would rather strut into 2022 READY and start the year reaping the rewards of my hard work than starting it feeling less than great within myself 


This is what both myself and my clients are laser focused on right now to ensure we all start 2022 as the best possible version of ourselves. 


Writing out my new year resolutions NOW and start working on them NOW so by the...

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The 'Secret' Behind Weight Loss

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2021

I knew the word 'Secret' would make you want to read this


There is NO secret - STOP looking for one and STOP paying people who claim they have one, they don't!!


The actual art of losing weight really isnt complicated....its incredibly straight forward. Calorie deficit. Thats it. 


But simplicity doesnt sell, simplicity isnt whats driving a billon dollar market. Oh no, people need to confuse people so they keep paying for their 'magic' products, people need to overcomplicate the process so people feel they need to keep paying someone forever to get them into shape  


You see peoples issue isn't actually the losing weight part - its in the MAINTAINING part THAT is what people actually need EDUCATED on, thats actually where I spend around 80% of my time coaching 


Wouldnt life be much easier if 'coaches' and 'health gurus' actually focused on what will help their just tell them what is ACTUALLY needed to lose weight...

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How To STOP Self Sabotage

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2021



These 4 topics are all interlinked and either serve you on a daily basis or they are the exact reason you are stuck. 


Do you have poor habits so struggle with low willpower and self sabotage yourself regularly but lack self awareness to actually pinpoint the habits you need to replace??


Newsflash - the vast majority of people will answer yes to that sentence, if you said No then you probably wouldn't be here reading this 


You see when I usually say to people “you need to improve your self awareness” or “you need to work on identifying and  eliminating your excuses” they get very triggered, they get very defensive as if there is something negative about that 


Looking at yourself HONESTLY and really identifying where YOU are standing in your own way is one of the most POSITIVE things you will ever do for yourself!!  We are human, we are not...

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The Real Reasons You are Struggling with your Nutrition

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2021

Lack of access to proper education around what ACTUALLY to do to get in shape is not only fuelling obesity and health issues but it is leading to food insecurity and the sense of being controlled by food. 

Most people think there is this big SECRET around nutrition and that its super complicated when in reality that is not the case at all (most of this is fuelled by health ‘gurus’ spitting off rubbish to confuse you that much that you pay them again and again for help….)  

In a nutshell: Control the VOLUME of your food first (This will drive how your body LOOKS) and then look at what you are filling that volume with (this will drive how your body FEELS) - the majority should be non processed food (rule of thumb if you can’t list all the ingredients on one hand then its likely processed) and then have the minority of your foods more processed for that balance (your glasses of wine at the weekend, chocolate, takeaways etc) 



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Emotional Eating

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2021

Emotional Eating - Something we work on A LOT with our clients. In a society where stress is accepted as the 'normal' day to day component and emotions are at an all time high people are constantly turning to ways to relieve those emotions to make themselves 'feel good again' - for a lot of people that is found in food 


Do you fit one or more of these? Have you struggling with emotional eating for awhile? Or have you never even considered that this could be why you keep falling off track with your goals?


First lets learn more about what emotional eating is - knowledge is POWER, the more we understand why we behave a certain way the 'easier' it is to break those behaviours


The cycle is a frustrating and exhausting one to get stuck in. As people have lots of different reasons and triggers as to why they fall into the emotional eating cycle its hard to tell you step by step what to do to break as a "one size fits all" answer. Thats why with our clients we...

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"I don't have Time" - the excuse that kills so many dreams

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2021

Its NEVER about not having enough time

Its ALWAYS about not knowing how to use YOUR time effectively 


Let’s face it, we are not getting any more time, our days are not getting any longer and we will always be busy - that's life


At this stage I ask permission to provide some tough love with the only goal to HELP YOU 


Firstly, be very honest with yourself - are you busy all day long being super productive OR do you waste some time? Do you waste time getting out of bed in the mornings? Do you waste time scrolling social media endlessly? Do you waste time going through your day reacting to everything instead of making a clear plan and actually getting things done? Everyone wastes time, welcome to the human race. The successful people aren’t afraid of identifying those wasted slots throughout the day and work on replacing them 


You see there is a VERY big difference between being actually busy and being busy just being...

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Why YOU actually keep falling off track...

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2021

Most people know WHAT to do - They know you need to eat less and move more in order to lose weight, thats not really new information 


What the VAST MAJORITY of people struggle with is HOW 


HOW to stay consistent when life gets busy and we naturally default to put ourselves down the priority list when other things take over

HOW to stay consistent at the weekends when we want to go enjoy ourselves 

HOW to stay consistent on those days when our motivation is simply not there 

HOW to stay consistent when we have a long stressful and busy day at work and want to open the wine when we come home 

HOW to stay consistent when work is super busy and we struggle to fit our workouts in 


The list goes on and on 


You see if you think of every single time you fell off track it was not because you didn't know a salad was a better option than a pizza, it was some LIFESTYLE factor


Stress, Lack of Time, Lack of Motivation,...

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